Enterprise honor
- 福州市创新发展优胜企业
- “十二五”塑料加工业科技创新型企业
- 中国合成革绿色供应链产业创新战略联盟
- 福建省科技小巨人领军企业
- 合成革行业先锋试点企业证书
- 国家知识产权局优势企业
- 全国塑料制品标准化技术委员会人造革合成革标准化工作组委员单位
- 纳税信用等级评定
- 福建省制造业单项冠军企业牌匾
- 中国塑料加工业优秀科技创新企业
- 福州市诚信企业
- 中国轻工塑料行业(人造革合成革)十强企业证书
- 国家级绿色工厂
- 高新技术企业证书
- 2018-2019年度福建省守合同重信用企业
- 福建省专精特新中小企业证书
- 2019-2021三星级党组织
- 2020年纳税信用等级评定
- 国家知识产权优势企业
- 2022年度三星级供应商荣誉证书(慕思健康睡眠公司2023年3月)
- 202312_高新技术企业证书(发证时间2023-12-28日)
- Fujian Provincial Enterprise Technology Center
- Synthetic Leather Leader Enterprise
- top 10 enterprise plastic industry (artificial leather and synthetic leather)
- 2014National integrity demonstration unit
- Fujian Top Branded Products
- Municipal Industrial Design Center
- Jasmine Silver of Fuzhou
- Fuzhou Science and Technology Progress Award
- High-Tech Enterprise
- Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise
- Excellent Private enterprises of China
- "Haining China Leather City Cup"Top Ten Leather Enterprises
- Observing Contract and Valuing Credit Enterprise (2012-2013)
- the best export enterprises of China synthetic leather industry in 2013
- vice president of China Plastics Processing Industry Association
- GB/T19001-2008/ISO9001:2008
- GB/T19001-2008/ISO9001:2008
- GB/T28001-2011/OHSAS18001:2007
- GB/T28001-2011/OHSAS18001:2007
- "Xinji International Leather City Cup" China Leather Industry top 10
- The expert working station (2013 SEP)
- China Plastics Processing Industry Association awarded Fujian Polytech Group " China artificial leather & synthetic leather industry top ten brands(2012-2013)"
- Fuzhou Observing Contract and Valuing Credit Enterprise (2011)
- Fuzhou Intellectual Property Exemplary Enterprise
- Fujian Decoration Leather Enterprise Engineering Technology Research Center
- Fuqing Science and Technology Progress Award(2011-2012)
- Fuzhou Science and Technology Progress Award
- Taxpayer A Grade Enterprise(2010-2011)
- Quality Management Advanced Enterprise(2011)
- Credit A Grade Enterprise (2011)
- "Xinji International Leather City Cup" China Leather And Footwear Industry "Top Ten Synthetic Leather Enterprises"(2011-2012)
- Fujian Top Branded Products
- GB/T28001-2001 Occupation Health and Safety Management System
- ISO14001:2004 Environmental Management System
- Fuzhou Municipal Enterprise Technology Center
- Fujian Province Famous Brand
- High-Tech Enterprise
- Advanced Enterprise(2006-2010)
- ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System
- Taxpayer A Grade Enterprise(2008-2009)
- Taxpayer A Grade Enterprise(2008-2009)
- Fujian Star Foreign Enterprise(2006-2008)
- Fujian Top Branded Products(2008)
- Fujian Province Famous Brand
- Taxpayer A Grade Enterprise(2006-2007)
- Taxpayer A Grade Enterprise(2004-2005)
- Fujian Top Branded Products(2005)
- Fuzhou Observing Contract and Valuing Credit Enterprise (2003-2004)
- Product quality award of Fuzhou
- Taxpayer A Grade Enterprise(2002-2003)
- China Star Foreign Enterprise(2000-2002)
- Fujian Star Foreign Enterprise(2000-2002)
- Artificial Leather Market Share Ranks In The Forefront Counterparts.(2002)
- Credit AAA Grade Enterprise
- China "Double Excellence" Foreign Investment Enterprise
- high standard and high quality
- Fuzhou Top Branded Products(1999)
- PU/PVC artificial leather series won the only gold medal at China leather products (Fuzhou) Fair(1998)